Found 24 blog entries tagged as Strathcona County.


Emergency Preparedness

Emergency situations, or States of Emergency, can happen when you least expect it. The 2013 flooding in Southern Alberta is proof that all citizens need to be prepared for any type of emergency situation. We have provided some information on how to be prepared for emergency situations should the event arise.

The main thing is to have an emergency preparedness kit ready.Included in this kit should be enough resources to last at least 72 hours:

~ 4 litres of water per person for 3 days. (Note that the water from the toilet tank and hot water tank can be utilized.)
~ 3 days, or more, worth of food. Include items that do not spoil and are easy to prepare: energy bars, canned goods, dried fruit and nuts.
~ Non-electric can…

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August Long Weekend


In 1974, the Government of Alberta, acting through Minister of Culture Horst A. Schmid, declared the first Monday in August an annual holiday to recognize and celebrate the varied cultural heritage of Albertans, known as "Heritage Day". This gave rise in 1976 to the Edmonton Heritage Festival, a three-day celebration of food, dance, and handicrafts of cultures from around the world. Heritage Day is not a statutory holiday but is often celebrated as such. TaraKennedy_HeritageDay

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Rob Roach, ATB Economics | July 20, 2021

Global Population To Reach 9.7 Billion By 2050


It’s a big world out there and it keeps growing. Because our economy is heavily reliant on global trade, this is good news for Alberta.

In light of this, today’s Owl is focused on global population trends.

A key trend of which almost everyone is aware is the massive growth that has taken place. In 1950, the global population was about 2.54 billion. Fast forward to 2020, and it was 7.79 billion, an increase of 207% in 70 years.

A trend that might not be as well known is that the growth rate has actually been…

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Alberta Lose Residents to Other Parts of Canada

Rob Roach, ATB Economics | June 17, 2021

For the fourth quarter in a row, more people left Alberta for other parts of Canada than arrived from elsewhere in the country.

According to the latest population data from Statistics Canada, Alberta lost 3,384 people to other provinces and territories over the first three months of 2021. The net loss since the second quarter of 2020 comes to 7,633.

People move around the country for a wide range of reasons, but Alberta tends to be a net recipient when our economy is thriving and vice versa. Alberta’s economy was the hardest hit among the provinces last year and the unemployment rate was…

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