Found 2 blog entries tagged as Electrical.


Home Inspections: What to Know and Why You Need One

As a buyer, home inspections are an important part of the buying process. It is not mandatory to have one, but it is in your best interest that you know exactly what you are getting from a professional level. Home inspections can cost a few hundred dollars, but it will be the best money you will spend.

The last thing you want is to be a home owner that has issues occurring a month or so down the road that could have been prevented or brought to your attention prior to purchasing the home.

A home inspector is your ally as they will go into the house and look for things you are not aware of. Inspectors are well- versed in what regulations and standards exist in your city or town, and are keen…

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Most electrical repairs should be made by a professional. But for all you "do-it-yourselfers" out there, here are tips on how to stay safe when dealing with your home electrical systems.

The Electrical Panel
Every time you use an electrical device in your home, power runs through the electrical panel, causing it to heat up and cool down constantly. These temperature fluctuations cause your home’s electrical panel to fail over time—the lifespan of a typical modern electrical panel is around 15 to 20 years. If you have a fuse box or another older-style electrical panel (you’ll usually see these in homes wired prior to the 1960s), it’s recommended to replace it with a modern circuit breaker-style electrical panel as soon as possible. You should also…

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